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DMC Fun Facts

Who are your favorite musical acts?
- I love Sarah McLachlan, John Lennon, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Public Enemy, and Cold Crush MC’s

Who is your favorite hip/hop or rap artist of all-time?
- Chuck D. of Public Enemy

What album are you currently listening to?
- I can’t stop listening to my new album that I’m working on right now. It is some real upbeat hip-hop stuff. I haven’t been this excited about a record in long time. I hope to have it out in spring ’07. 

What TV shows do you NEVER miss?
- When I actually do have time to sit down and watch TV, I love watching anything on the Learning Channel or Discovery Channel, especially the show ‘Dirty Jobs’ on Discovery. It’s a really interesting show about the jobs in this world people don’t normally see or appreciate, like cleaning up waste or working in the sewers. 

What are your favorite movies of all-time?
 - The Terminator , Pulp Fiction, and the Gladiator

Who are your favorite actors/actresses?
- My favorite actor would have to be Bruce Willis. He is just so versatile as an actor and he really allows you to get into the movie. When I watch him on screen I don’t get involved with him personally or his live off-camera, but I can really get into his character. I think that’s really important as an actor. That’s why I believe animated movies are so popular these days, because when you see the animated character you don’t associate them with someone else outside of the movie. You don’t get distracted from the movie.
- My favorite actresses are Jodie Foster and Judie Dench. They too, like Bruce Willis, are very versatile and believable actresses.

What is your favorite vacation spot?
- My favorite vacation spot is HOME! That’s the one place in the world I can relax, put on some sweat pants, and just feel comfortable. I love being able to just go to the supermarket, 7-Eleven, or McDonalds, and just feel at ease in my surroundings. Family vacations are nice, but can be overwhelming sometimes, and coming back home is always the best part anyway!

What is your favorite restaurant?
- I love any Thai Food Restaurant. Going to the same restaurant can get boring sometimes, because you always end up getting the same thing. But at a Thai Food Restaurant you can be adventurous and try new things every time and know that’s its going to be something good.

What is your favorite venue to play in?
- My favorite venues to play in are small rock clubs. Rock clubs are different than hip-hop clubs. In a rock club, that can hold between 300-450 people, it’s all about the music and crowd energy, not about how you look or the VIP area. Those intimate shows are always so great. You always get a great crowd response.
I can remember one of the best club shows Run-DMC ever played was at this small club in North Carolina, in Darius Rucker’s of Hootie in The Blowfish’s hometown. Years later when I met Darius, he told me he was at every show we played at that club and that they were the best concerts he’s ever been to.

What is your favorite charity?
- My favorite charity is The Felix Organization, which I started 7 years ago, when at the age of 35, I found out that I had been adopted. It is an organization that gives positive and constructive outlets for adopted kids. Take a look at The Felix Organization at

What are your favorite books?
- My favorite books right now are THE ALCHEMIST by Paulo Coelho, which is a story about self discovery involving a boy searching for treasure, and The Wisdom by Florence Scovel Shinn.

What is your favorite quote?
- My favorite quote is “I’ll Be Back!”. I always say that at the end of my shows, because I’m always coming back. I’m never stopping or going anywhere. It’s inspirational to me.

What is your most cherished piece of music memorabilia?
- I don’t have much music memorabilia, but one item I do cherish is my copy of Sarah McLachlan’s album ‘Surfacing’. That album, in particular the song ‘Angel’, means a lot to me personally; it saved my life.

Do you have any superstitions?
- No not anymore, although when I was younger I used to have some. When I was 12 I was stung by a bunch of bees. For a long time after that I was very afraid of bees. But after I got over that fear I realized there was no reason to be afraid of anything, and all my fears and superstitions went away.

Who gave you the most inspirational advice you have ever received?
- The most inspirational advice that I receive is from my fans. Especially in the beginning, when things started to change and Run-DMC began to achieve massive success, people kept telling me “Don’t stop D. Keep doing what you’re doing. Always remember the fans.” That still inspires me even now, many years later. My fans always keep me inspired.

If you could pick one song for a jukebox to represent you, what song would it be?
- That’s easy. It would have to be “Rebel Without A Pause” by Public Enemy. That song is just aggressive and has so much attitude. It really demands attention.

Who was your biggest role model growing up?
- My biggest role model growing up was Eric Dickerson. He was a running back on the Los Angeles Rams. When I was younger it was my dream to become a professional football player. I used to look at myself in the mirror and think, that’s me; professional running back.

Even though you are a huge star, do you ever find yourself star-struck when meeting your idols?
- I was extremely star-struck when I met Sarah McLachlan and Chuck D.

What is one talent you secretly wish you had?
- I really wish I could play the guitar. My friend Antwone Fisher loves RnB music, and has always had the dream to play the bass. So he went out and bought all this equipment, but never really got going, so now it just sits there. I didn’t want to end up with a room full of unused guitar equipment, so I never gave it a chance. But Antwone and I made a deal that before we die, we’re going to each learn bass and guitar.

If you had the chance to sit down and talk to anybody in the world, alive or dead, who would it be and why?
- I wish I could sit down and talk with Mother Theresa. She had no hidden agenda. She didn’t let anything distract her from her goal and got a tremendous amount accomplished in her life. I would love to find out why she was so passionate about her one agenda.

If you could have one super-hero power, what would it be and why?
- I would love to be able to read minds. It is non-violent and non-aggressive, and I’d be able to see what other destructive people are thinking before they act, so I could stop a lot of violent actions.

If you could be one animal, what would it be and why?
- I’d like to be a raven. They are already dressed in black, so I wouldn’t have to change my wardrobe. They are also very smart birds.

What is the one song you wish you could have written?
 - 'Imagine' by John Lennon

What was the most interesting question you’ve ever been asked in an interview?
- When I was in Japan recently I had about 50 interviews and every one of them kept asking me, “D are you ok?” I didn’t think anything of it until the 50th interview, and I finally asked, “Why is everybody asking me if I’m ok?” The interviewer responded by telling me that on [Checks, Thugs, and Rock N’ Roll] I was talking about very serious things. It then occurred to me that I did have a lot of songs about depression and alcoholism on my new album and that that’s why they must be asking me if I’m ok.

What was the most embarrassing moment you’ve ever had on stage?
- One night I was extremely drunk on-stage and somehow I stage dove or fell off the stage without knowing or realizing it, and all of sudden I was in the pit looking up at the stage. I was very confused and embarrassed.

Do you have any pre-show rituals?
 - No, not really. Although I still gets nervous and anxious before every show.

What’s the most memorable fan experience you’ve ever had?
- Recently when I was in Japan, my record label over there introduced me to this all girl RnB group, like ‘Japans TLC’. Well one of the girls in the group said I was her favorite member of Run-DMC. When I met her she was crying like crazy. She actually had a shrine to me in her room at home. She had every doll ever made of me. It was crazy. It was a very humbling experience that I will never forget.